Mieko Temple
Veterinary student by day, artist by night. Focusing in wildlife medicine, livestock medicine, anatomic pathology, and disease investigations.
Passionate for science communication and conservation research. Committed to bridging the gap between agriculture, conservation, and the public.
Determined to sharing research facts, debunking science myths, and making STEMM an accessible, inclusive, and inspiring field for everyone.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | 2025
University of California, Davis
Focus: Large Animal Medicine
Interests: Wildlife medicine, disease investigation, anatomic pathology, OneHealth
MS, Agriculture - Animal Nutrition | 2025
California Polytechnic State University
Thesis: Identifying antibiotic alternatives forbroilers, and classifying metabolically beneficial strains of gut microbes
BS, Animal Science; Minor, Equine Science | 2017
California Polytechnic State University
Senior Research: Digestibility of alternative calcium supplements in commercial laying hens
Honors & Awards
ACVP Externship Scholarship | 2024, 2025
Awarded to fourth-year students attending pathology externships.
R.S. Robertson Scholarship, UCD SVM | 2024
Awarded to students with small or companion animal interest in recognition of the humanistic obligation to protect and prevent distress to all animals.
Caesar, Lucy, and Gabbie Endowed Scholarship, UCD SVM | 2023
Awarded to a second- or third-year student who plans to become board certified in one of the clinical specialties and pursue an academic career.
Milton Weintraub Scholarship, ATPAM Union | 2021-2024
Awarded to Associated Theatrical Press Agents & Managers members or family, in honor of Milton Weintraub’s contributions to the theater community.
Animal Science Graduate Merit Scholarship, Cal Poly | Sep 2017-Sep 2019
Scholarship awarded by the Animal Science Department of Cal Poly for high academic achievement. Annual award of $12,000 for two years.
Western Poultry Scholarship & Research Foundation Scholarship, PEPA | 2019
Scholarship awarded by WPSR Foundation for scholastic and research achievement.
California Animal Nutrition Conference Scholarship, Cal Poly | 2019
Scholarship awarded for research achievements to students in poster competition.
ASCI Outstanding Senior Award, Cal Poly | 2017
For services to the department, college, and university.
Dean's List | Fall 2012, 2015, 2016; Winter 2013, 2014; Spring 2013
Achieving a GPA of 3.5 or greater when enrolled in 12 or more graded units.
Research Contributions
Published Articles
1) Tracy, L.M., S.M. Temple, D.C. Bennett, K.A. Sprayberry, M.M. Makagon, and R.A. Blatchford. 2019. The reliability and accuracy of palpation, radiography, and sonography for the detection of keel bone damage. Animals. 9(11):894-901. 10.3390/ani9110894.
2) Pullin, A.N., S.M. Temple, D.C. Bennett, C. Rufener, R.A. Blatchford, and M.M. Makagon. 2019. Pullet rearing affects long-term perch use by laying hens in enriched colony cages. Proc. Cong. Int. Soc. App. Etho. 53:1. 10.13140/RG.2.2.24774.42565.
3) Hernandez, G., V. Smith, S.M. Temple, D.C. Bennett, D. Columbus,M. Rice, M. Burd, K.A. Sprayberry, M.S. Edwards, D. Peterson, R. Fanter, C.Kitts, M. La Frano, D.G. Burrin, R. Manjarin, and M. Maj. 2019. A diet-inducedpediatric model of non alcoholic fatty liver disease using neonatal iberianpigs (OR26-02-19). Exp. Anim. Nutr. 690. 10.1093/cdn/nzz033.OR26-02-19.
Manuscripts in Preparation
1) Temple, SM, DSM Guzman, LH Meegan. Atypical MRI Findings in a Golden Eagle with Historic West Nile Virus Infection. To be submitted to Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
2) Temple, SM, MK Keel. Sertoli Cell Tumor in a Female Mule Deer. To be submitted to Journal of Veterinary Pathology.
3) Temple,SM, D Imai-Leonard, P Ruivo. Unknown Species of Parasitic Amoebiasis of Freshwater Aquarium Fish. To be submitted to Journal of Veterinary Pathology.
4) Temple, SM, F Uzal. Diagnostic Exercise, Malignant Catarrhal Fever in a Bongo. To be submitted to Davis-Thompson Foundation, Latin Comparative Pathology Group Diagnostic Exercise Database.
5) Temple, S.M., T.O. Reid, J. Walls, R. Cabrera, and D.C.Bennett. Effect of Activo Liquid intake during the pullet to layer transitionperiod on early egg production and egg quality in commercial table egg layers.To be submitted to Poultry Science.
Conference Presentations (*presented by)
1) Temple, S.M.*, T.K. O’Leir Reid, and D.C. Bennett. Effect of antimicrobial feed additives on growth, feed conversion, and bone strength in broiler chickens. Presented at the annual Pacific Egg and Poultry Association meeting, Waikaloa, HI. 2020.
2) O’Leir Reid, T.K.*, S.M. Temple, and D.C. Bennett. Relationship between bone strength and bone mineralization in laying hens. Presented at the annual Pacific Egg and Poultry Association meeting, Waikaloa, HI. 2020.
3) Young, M.A.*, A.C. Ulans, K.L. Erath, K.E. Gardner, T.K. O’Lear Reid, S.M. Temple, and D.C. Bennett. Effect of diatomaceous earth on eggshell quality and bone strength of laying hens. Presented at the annual Pacific Egg and Poultry Association meeting, Waikaloa, HI. 2020.
4) Temple, S.M.*, T.O. Reid, J. Walls, R. Cabrera, and D.C. Bennett. Effect of essential oils on early egg production and quality during pullet to layer transition. Presented at annual California Animal Nutrition Conference, Fresno, CA. 2019; annual Pacific Egg and Poultry Association meeting, Anaheim, CA. 2019.
5) Makagon M.M., Pullin A.N.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C., Blatchford R.A. Behavior of laying hens reared in cage versus aviary pullet systems. Presented at the annual International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, Georgia. 2019.
6) Tracy L.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C., Sprayberry K.A., Makagon M.M., Blatchford R.A. The reliability of palpation, x-ray, and ultrasound techniques for the detection of keel bone damage. Presented at the annual International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, Georgia. 2019.
7) Boylan, G.S.*, O’Lear Reid T., Temple S.M., Bennett D.C. Relationship between bone strength and bone mineralization in laying hens. Presented at the annual CAFES Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. 2018.
8) Reyes J.M.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C. Effect of feed additives on growth and feed conversion in broiler chickens. Presented at the annual CAFES Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. 2018.
9) Pullin A.N.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C., Blatchford R.A., Makagon M.M. Impacts of rearing environment on laying hen keel bone impacts in enriched colony cages. Presented at the annual International Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 2018.
10) Tracy L.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C., Sprayberry K.A., Makagon M.M., Blatchford R.A. The reliability of palpation, x-ray, and ultrasound techniques for the detection of keel bone damage. Presented at the annual International Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 2018.
11) Temple S.M.*, O’Lear Reid T., Walls J., Cabrera R.A., Bennett D.C. The effect of essential oils on early egg production during the pullet to layer transition. Presented at the annual Poultry Science Association meeting, San Antonio, Texas. 2018.
12) Temple S.M.*, O’Lear Reid T., Walls J., Cabrera R.A., Bennett D.C. The effect of essential oils on early egg production during the pullet to layer transition. Presented at the annual Cal Poly College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences Research Symposium, California State University, San Luis Obispo, California. 2018.
13) Hernandez, G.V.*, Smith, V., Temple, S.M., Sprayberry, K., Burd, M., Bennett, D.C., Edwards, M., Rice, M., Columbus, D., Kitts, C., La Frano, M.R., Peterson, D., Burrin, D., Maj M., Manjarin, R. Development of a Pediatric Model of NAFLD in Neonate Iberian Pigs. Presented at the annual Cal Poly College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences Research Symposium, California State University, San Luis Obispo, California. 2018.
14) Pullin A.N.*, Temple S.M., Bennett D.C., Blatchford R.A., Makagon M.M. The effect of rearing environment on laying hen keel bone impacts sustained in enriched colony cages. Presented at the annual Pacific Egg and Poultry Association meeting, Napa, California. 2018.
15) O’Lear Reid T.*, Thompson C., Temple S.M., Bennett D.C. The Effects of a Trace Mineral Supplement derived from seawater on Egg Shell Quality, Bone Strength and Mineral Content. Presented at the annual CAFES Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. 2017.
Employment & Research Experience
Comparative Pathology Laboratory, Pathology & Microbiology Assistant | Jun 2023-Present
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA
Pathology: Trained in humane euthanasia of lab animal species, standard necropsy procedure, tissue trimming/processing, basic histopathologic interpretation, and biosecurity, proper PPE and safe handling of Biosafety Level 1, 2, and 3 samples.
Microbiology: Trained in standard culturing of microbial organisms, gram staining and interpretation, biochemical assay setup and interpretation, and biosecurity, proper PPE and safe handling of Biosafety Level 1, 2, and 3 samples.
Center for Equine Health, Overnight Technician | Aug 2021-2023
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA
On-call and overnight medical treatment, care, husbandry, routine checks for UCD SVM, USDA quarantine, and VMTH patient horses; assisted field service veterinarians. Experience with large animal shipping/receiving; USDA intake and shipping forms, protocols, and animal handling; equine nutrition.
Animal Nutrition Graduate Student & Researcher | Jun 2017-Aug 2021
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Research Focus: Poultry nutrition • Feed and energetics • Gut microbiome
Conducted broiler chicken feed trials to assess nutrient metabolism efficiency and microbiome changes post-administration of antimicrobial feed additives. Collaborated on joint Cal Poly-UC Davis study identifying frequency and severity of keel bone deformities in laying hens raised in different nursery settings. Tested alternative calcium sources and essential oil supplementation in laying hens. Assisted in creation of pediatric NAFLD model in Iberian pigs.
Rattlesnake Relocator (Certified Venomous Snake Handler) | Mar-Aug 2021
Central Coast Snake Services, San Luis Obispo County, CA
Traveled within San Luis Obispo, CA and into south Monterey/north Santa Barbara/west Kern counties, to locate, humanely capture, and safely relocated nuisance rattlesnakes (and other wildlife species) from properties. Engaged in public education of local wildlife, ecosystem importance of rattlesnakes, myth busting of misinformation regarding rattlesnakes, and best practices for safety.
Herpetology Teaching Assistant and Graduate Research Mentor | Mar-Jun 2021
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Teaching assistant to Dr. Emily Taylor for undergraduate herpetology class. Mentored students and provided research guidance during in-class research project assessing the cutaneous evaporative water loss (CEWL) of Sceloporus occidentalis (Western fence lizard). Manuscript published in Sep 2022 issue of Herpetologica. Created original illustration of body “heat map” to visualize sites of highest CEWL.
Gilbert Martin Foundation Exotic Animal Nutrition Fellow, San DiegoZoo Global | Jun-Dec 2019
Worked with nutritionists, vets, pathologists, and keepers to maximize animal health. Collaborated with: Forage Commissary; Browse team; Behavior and Welfare Department.
Skills performed: diet formulation; body conditionscore assessment (visual/palpate); managed research and projects, including:medical history analysis for elephant chronic bloat; duiker spp. hand-rearingprotocol review to improve survivability of hand-reared offspring; designedenrichment-focused diet for servals to stimulate and illicit species-specificbehaviors; identify key species requiring dietary browse.
Development of a Pediatric Model of NAFLD in Neonate Iberian Piglets | Sep 2017-Jun 2018
Assisted Dr. Rodrigo Manjarin and team in the management and husbandry of animals during disease modeling trials, raising neonatal pigs to 10 weeks of age for tissue harvest.
Skills performed: mixed experimental diets, weighedanimals, collected blood samples, and participated in tissue sample collectionat culmination of study.
Cal Poly Poultry Senior Research Student | Jan-Sep 2017
Senior Research: Digestibility of alternative calcium supplements in commercial laying hens
Skills performed: poultry handling and behavior; organizationand execution of a research trial series; obtaining dry matter from collectedfecal samples.
Cal Poly Dairy Behavior Study Volunteer | Sep 25, 2016; Mar 29-Apr 2, 2017
Assisted Cal Poly Dairy faculty and student employees perform Glucose Tolerance Tests on dairy cows, assessing glucose uptake between control and experimental groups; administered experimental feed supplement, monitored herd organization, and record keeping of cows receiving supplement.
Skills performed: herd and individual handlingbehavior of dairy cattle; administration of IV glucose; monitoring andassessing dairy cattle behavior.
Research Interests
- Animal nutrition
- Antibiotic alternatives
- Digestive tract health
- Gut microbiome
- OneHealth
- Veterinary medicine
SciComm Interests
- Accessibility
- Endangered species
- Inclusivity
- Online/virtual teaching
- Science illustration
- Women in STEMM leadership
Professional Societies
- American Society of Animal Science
- American Association of Zoological Veterinarians
- Comparative Nutrition Society
- Council on Undergraduate Research
- Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
- Poultry Science Association
- Wildlife Disease Association
Leadership & Mentorship Experience
American College of Veterinary Pathology (ACVP), UCD SVM Chapter | Dec 2021-2024
West Coast Veterinary Pathology Conference Coordinator
Work in concert with faculty coordinator (Dr. Kevin Keel, DVM, PhD, DACVP) to plan and put on the annual WCVPC; organize and run student case report conference presentations; supervise and manage student volunteers.
Wildlife Disease Association (WDA), UCD SVM Chapter | Apr 2023-2024
University Student Representative
Represent UC Davis at the annual WDA conference, vote in WDA Student Chapter decisions, and relay information from parent organization to UC Davis chapter and members.
Association of Asian Veterinary Medical Professionals, UCD SVM Chapter | Feb 2022-2023
Founding Member | Vice President of External Affairs
Establish relationships with campus and local AAPI/ADIPA-identifying veterinary professionals; create networking connections for student members; facilitate mentorship between veterinary professionals and students.
PSSD Veterinary Student Mentor | Aug 2021-2022
Provide mentorship, advice, and support to undergraduate pre-veterinary student mentees, including topics like vet school application, pre-requisites, personal statements, school-life balance, exploring areas of veterinary interest.
Laboratory Instructor for ASCI 225, Poultry Science | Sep 2017-Present
Created hands-on curriculum, including: anatomy and physiology dissections; tours of campus and industry facilities related to poultry; applications and implications of biosecurity protocols; and collaboration with Animal Science faculty/staff to understand the interconnected impact of poultry and other niches in Animal Science.
Undergraduate Student Research Supervisor | Sep 2017-Present
Provided mentorship, guidance, and supervision for undergraduate student researchers.
Students mentored: 25 | Projects supervised: 6
Facilitator for the Supplemental Workshops for the Sciences Program | Mar 2014-Sep 2017
Collaborated with College of Science and Mathematics faculty to teach and co-create curriculum (i.e. worksheets, activities, mock exams) for students to practice and apply lecture material to improve understanding and mastery, through group-based learning.
Position Requirements: attended class lectures,then synthesized curriculum (i.e. worksheets, interactive activities) forstudents to apply lecture material; 1.5-hour classes, four times/week.